What is the exact location of the danzhong point and what is the pain here?

Tanzhong point is located in the front of the chest, the front center line, flat fourth intercostal space (normal male two breasts line). If the danzhong acupoint is sore, numb, swollen and painful due to localized pressure, it is a normal phenomenon. However, if the pain is sudden or unbearable, it is considered to be caused by osteochondritis, intercostal neuralgia, angina pectoris and other diseases.
1. Normal phenomenon: in acupuncture acupuncture points, will be in the body surface positioning points and press, if it is due to force pressure caused by danzhong acupoints localization of acid numbness and distension pain, this is a normal phenomenon.
2. Osteochondritis Dissecans: As the danzhong point corresponds to the periosteum of the sternum in the human body, if due to improper force or excessive exercise resulting in localized pressure changes, osteochondritis dissecans may be easily formed. At this time, press the danzhong point will appear pain, have obvious pressure pain, serious with orbital pain, visual impairment and so on.
3. Intercostal neuralgia: If trauma or thoracic spine lesions and other factors cause pain in the danzhong point, it is generally considered to be local nerve compression caused by intercostal neuralgia. Clinical manifestations for the anterior chest tingling or burning pain, pain is paroxysmal or persistent pain, every cough, sneeze when the pain is aggravated.
4. angina pectoris: if due to exertion, emotional excitement and other triggers lead to myocardial hypoxia, myocardial blood supply is insufficient to cause pain in the danzhong acupoints, is generally considered to be due to angina pectoris. Clinical manifestations for the danzhong point sudden pain or paroxysmal chest pressure pain, accompanied by chest tightness, dyspnea, palpitations, fatigue and other symptoms.
If there is an unexplained pain in the danzhong point, it is recommended that the patient seek medical attention in a timely manner, by a professional physician to carry out the relevant examination, to clarify the cause of the disease, and then comply with the doctor’s instructions for symptomatic treatment.

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