What’s the reason for the sudden spasms of the hands turning into chicken claws?

Sudden spasms of the hands in the shape of chicken claws may be related to cold stimuli, or may be caused by hypocalcemia, seizures and other reasons. 1. Cold stimulation: If you are in a cold environment for a long time, or your arms are immersed in cold water for a long time, it will easily lead to muscle spasms in the hands, which may show sudden spasms of the hands turning into chicken-claw shape. 2. Hypocalcemia: when the body is seriously deficient in calcium, hypocalcemia is easily induced, resulting in low calcium levels in the blood, resulting in increased excitability of the muscle nerves, and sudden spasms of the hands into a chicken-claw shape may occur. 3. Epileptic seizures: If there is a history of epilepsy, when affected by certain adverse factors, resulting in seizures, there may be a sudden spasm of the hands into a chicken-claw shape, may also be accompanied by foaming at the mouth, mouth and eyes askew and other symptoms, mainly due to abnormal discharges of neurons in the brain. Sudden spasms of the hands into a chicken-claw shape may also be caused by other reasons, such as damage to the ulnar nerve. If the symptoms occur frequently, you should seek medical advice as soon as possible, and after clarifying the causative factors, be guided by your doctor for treatment.

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