How to become a diabetic foot “family doctor”?

  Diabetic foot is one of the common complications of diabetes mellitus, which brings great inconvenience to life and can lead to ulceration, gangrene and even amputation in severe cases. According to the latest foreign statistics, diabetic foot occurs in 50% of diabetic patients. Why is the diabetic foot common among diabetic patients? There are three main reasons: First, peripheral neuropathy due to diabetes causes the foot to lose sensation and not feel cold, heat or pain. Diabetic patients are not aware of the pain, for example, if there is a small stone in the shoe, they continue to suffer from it because they are not aware of it; in addition, neuropathy reduces sweating, and the foot is scaly and prone to dryness and cracking. Second, diabetic vasculopathy, poor local blood circulation, so that with the injury is difficult to heal because it does not get enough blood oxygen. Third, infection occurs on top of the above.  The common predisposing factors of diabetic foot are injury caused by improper shoe and foot trimming of patients, spontaneous ulcers, ruptured blisters, burns, and tinea pedis. What can be done to prevent and treat diabetic foot? Early detection and treatment of diabetes and control of blood glucose to near normal and prevention are key.  The overall prevention of diabetic foot includes: 1. Diet control. Avoid eating sweets, eat less or no fried food, eat more fresh vegetables, increase the intake of coarse grains and improve the content of dietary fiber, such as eating more corn, millet, buckwheat and soy flour foods as appropriate.  2, moderate exercise. Should choose a suitable exercise for their own exercise, step by step, persistent.  3, change the bad habits of life. Diabetic patients in addition to reasonable dietary arrangements, regular rest and rest time, should also quit smoking, alcohol, etc. to reduce the adverse stimulation of peripheral blood vessels, nerves.  4, no matter how to make fasting blood glucose control in 6.0 mmol / l or less, two hours after meals blood glucose in 8.0 mmol / l or less, glycated hemoglobin should be less than 6.5%, so that the feet in a more favorable metabolic environment.  Diabetic foot protection and health care is crucial: 1, it is appropriate to wear loose, soft, comfortable shoes and socks to prevent abrasion of the foot; 2, pay attention to keep the foot (toe) clean, wash the foot with warm water daily to avoid burns; autumn and winter pay attention to foot insulation to avoid frostbite; 3, keep clean and dry, be appropriate massage to promote local blood circulation, pay attention to rest; 4, adhere to do static contraction exercises of the lower limb muscles, often change position, elevate the affected limb to promote venous return.  Diabetic amputation is due to late detection or late consultation, resulting in necrosis, blackening and odor of the diseased foot. Therefore, it is important to check the lower extremity daily, especially the dorsalis pedis artery pulsation and skin temperature changes. A drop in temperature on one side indicates an obstruction in the artery and requires a specialist to examine the arteries of the lower extremity to determine the site of stenosis, the rate of blood flow and the reduction in blood flow, especially in the case of early microscopic breaks and foot injuries, which should be seen by a specialist once detected and should not be disposed of by oneself.

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