Talking about some things about Chinese medicine

Chinese medicine is the essence of the 5,000-year culture of the Chinese nation, which is the result of the long-term life and production practices of the working people of China, and is a part of the excellent cultural heritage of China. From the original “stone stabbing disease” to acupuncture treatment, from the primitive imitation of animal jumping dance to the later “guide”, “five birds play”; from the instinctive touch and pressure on the injured parts after hunting to the current massage and hemostasis; from the “massage” to the “hemostasis”. From the “Shennong tasted the hundred herbs” and the “Shennong Ben Cao Jing” to the “Ben Cao Compendium”, Chinese medicine originates from the practice of life and is higher than the practice of life. There are two basic features of TCM treatment: holistic concept and evidence-based treatment. According to TCM, the human body is a scientific and rigorous organic whole with coordinated influence among various tissues and organs, and the human body is closely related to the natural world and the social environment. Therefore, in the process of treating diseases, not only the place of illness will be considered, but also the organs related to it must be taken into account, and the influence of the season, climate, region, living environment and human emotions on the organism and diseases should be considered. The treatment is individualized. For each individual and each disease, comprehensive information will be collected through examination, diagnosis and examination, to identify the cause, nature, internal organs and the relationship between evil and positive, and to determine the treatment principles and methods according to the results of the diagnosis. Some people say that the effect of TCM treatment is slow and the efficacy is not clear. This is not necessarily true. For some chronic diseases may indeed take longer to regulate, but often these diseases may not be as fast or curable by Western medicine. Looking back at the records of my previous consultations with my teacher and myself, I can see that one dose of Su Zi Qi Lowering Soup can calm asthma, and three doses of Xing Su San can cure a cough after a cold. The cases of “one dose of knowledge, two doses have been” in Chinese medicine are numerous. In order to achieve this effect, we need to pay attention to the disease that is targeted, such as the acute stage of the disease or the acute disease; on the other hand, we need to pay attention to the decoction method and the quality of the herbs; thirdly, it is often said in folklore that “if the patient does not avoid eating, the doctor’s hand will be wasted”, so we should pay attention to a disciplined diet, regular rest and relaxation, and so on. I will talk about the decoction of Chinese medicine, herbal knowledge, common Chinese medicine prescriptions, and health care in future articles.

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