What is the number one potassium-boosting fruit

There is no such thing as a first-place potassium supplement. Generally, bananas, grapefruit, tomatoes and oranges are rich in potassium. Generally, the potassium content of banana is 256mg/100g, which is in the front position in the same kind of food. Eating bananas in moderation will help to supplement potassium for the body of the people who are deficient in potassium. In addition, grapefruit is also rich in potassium, usually 119mg of potassium in 100g of grapefruit, and 262mg/100g of potassium in small tomatoes, which is at the front of the list of similar foods. In addition, oranges, cherries, watermelon, cinnamon and other foods are also rich in potassium. Clinically, there is no fruit that is the first place for potassium supplementation, and potassium-deficient people can consume the above foods rich in potassium in moderation. However, for patients with serious potassium deficiency cannot only rely on eating potassium-rich foods to replenish potassium, but should take potassium agents such as potassium chloride and bismuth potassium citrate under the guidance of doctors when necessary.

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