Treatment of dislocated arms in children

The child arm dislocation clinically known as radial tuberosity subluxation, it is recommended to consult a doctor in time to clarify the diagnosis of the manipulation of repositioning treatment.
After a child’s hand dislocation, the first thing to do is to keep the arm relatively static, and timely medical X-ray examination, clear whether there is a fracture; in addition to improve the physical examination, observation of the relationship between the elbow and the posterior triangle, if it is only a simple dislocation, you can professional orthopedic surgeon on the dislocation of the part of the manipulation of the reset.
In addition, we must ensure that the child’s nutrition is balanced, in daily life, parents need to change the parents’ bad habits, hold the baby should hold the baby’s body, avoid pulling the baby’s upper limbs upward, so as not to cause the radial tuberosity subluxation.
If dislocation occurs, you can consult a doctor in time, and follow the doctor’s instructions to be targeted treatment.

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