What causes your eyes to itch a lot?

The causes of itchy eyes usually include visual fatigue, dry eye or allergic conjunctivitis, etc., which need to be treated as soon as they are detected. Visual fatigue is the most common cause of itchy eyes, because in normal work and study, you need to work for a long time or staring at the computer screen, etc., which is extremely easy to cause visual fatigue, which in turn causes the eyes to itch all the time, and when it is serious, it will also be accompanied by blurred vision, eye pain, etc. Dry eye is caused by long time exposure to the sun and wind, which makes the eyes unable to produce enough energy. Dry eye is due to long-term exposure to the sun and wind in the environment, resulting in the eyes can not produce enough tears, or tear evaporation rate is too fast, which is easy to cause the eyes always itchy; and allergic conjunctivitis is often seasonal, usually mainly due to the eyes in contact with pollen, willow flakes and other substances in seasonal alternating episodes. Itchy eyes, if it can not be relieved on their own, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time for examination and symptomatic treatment.

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