Medical science: eczema those things

  Eczema is divided into many kinds, according to the performance of lesions into acute eczema, subacute eczema, of which chronic eczema is a skin inflammatory reaction caused by complex excitation of internal and external factors; the onset is very slow, the performance is also very significant, different from acute eczema and subacute eczema.  1, according to the performance of the lesions are divided into acute, subacute, chronic three stages.  (1) acute eczema lesions at first for most dense corn-sized papules, papules or small blisters, the base flushed, gradually fused into a patch, due to scratching, papules, papules or blisters top scratching is obvious point-like exudate and small erosion surface, the edge is unclear. If secondary infection occurs, the inflammation is more obvious and can form pustules, crusts, folliculitis, boils, etc. The itching is intense; it occurs on the head and face, behind the ears, distal extremities, scrotum, perianal area, etc., and is more symmetrically released.    (2) subacute eczema acute eczema inflammation is reduced, the lesions are mainly small papules, crusts and scales, only a small number of papules and vesicles; there is still intense itching.  (3) chronic eczema: often due to acute, subacute eczema repeated episodes of failure to cure and turn into chronic eczema; can also start that is chronic eczema. The skin is thickened, infiltrated, brownish red or pigmented, rough surface, covered with scales, or due to scratching and crusting. Itching is intense. It is common on the lower legs, hands, feet, elbow fossa, popliteal fossa, vulva and anus. The course of the disease is variable, easy to recur and does not heal over time.  2, according to the extent of the lesions involved, divided into two categories of limited eczema and generalized eczema.  (1) limited eczema: only occur in specific areas, that can be named after the site, such as hand eczema, female eczema, scrotal eczema, ear eczema, breast eczema, perianal eczema, calf eczema, etc.  (2) generalized eczema: lesions are many, generalized or distributed in many parts of the body.   3. What are the treatments for chronic eczema?  The actual fact is that you can find out as much as possible about allergens; avoid all kinds of external stimuli; avoid allergenic and irritating foods.  02. internal medication one or two drugs because eczema is mostly itchy at night, it is best to take one after dinner or before bedtime. Oral or hormone injections are generally not advisable and Chinese herbal medicine is also available.  03. Topical medications Topical creams can be used topically and sealed if necessary.  Chronic eczema has a great impact on people and can also affect the mood; once diagnosed with chronic eczema, go to a regular hospital to get treatment in a timely manner, you can also choose targeted creams to treat and care.

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