What’s wrong with high aminotransferases and can I drink alcohol?

High transaminases may be caused by bad lifestyle habits, viral hepatitis, liver cancer and other reasons. Patients with elevated aminotransferases should not drink alcohol, which will aggravate liver cell damage and lead to further elevation of aminotransferases.
1. Bad habits: staying up late, oily diet, strenuous exercise, drinking a lot of alcohol and other bad habits can lead to liver cell damage, causing transaminases to rise.
2. Viral hepatitis: Hepatitis B, C and other hepatitis viruses are hepatophilic viruses, which will lead to liver cell damage after infecting the liver, and the transaminases in the liver cells will be released into the blood, causing transaminase elevation.
3. Hepatocellular carcinoma: the tumor lesion of hepatocellular carcinoma will press or invade the surrounding normal liver tissues, and the liver cells will be damaged by the pressure, which will cause the release of transaminase and lead to the elevation of transaminase.
High aminotransferase can also be seen in myocarditis, drug-induced liver injury and other diseases. Patients should go to the hospital in time, complete the examination, and give targeted treatment in time after clarifying the cause of the disease.

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