What to do if a cactus stings you and gives you red bumps?

Red bumps from cactus stings can be caused by inflammatory irritation, allergic reactions and other factors. Inflammatory irritation should be treated with drugs such as erythromycin ointment for anti-inflammatory and antiseptic treatment. Allergic reaction can use miconazole clobetasol cream for treatment. 1. Inflammatory stimulation: cactus needles may contain bacteria, causing skin irritation, there will be red bumps, patients should be under the guidance of the doctor to use hydrocortisone butyrate cream, mometasone furoate cream, erythromycin ointment and other drugs for anti-inflammatory and bactericidal treatment. 2. Allergic reaction: Cactus may cause allergic reaction of the skin, thus the symptoms of red bumps. Patients can follow the doctor’s instructions to use compound tretinoin acetate solution, miconazole clobetasol cream, hydrocortisone butyrate cream and other drugs for treatment. After the cactus is pierced, it is recommended to go to the hospital for treatment, and follow the doctor’s instructions to use medication, so as not to cause the cactus spines to penetrate too deeply, aggravating the patient’s symptoms and adverse reactions.

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