When is the best time to take dha baby

  DHA is recommended to be taken after 6 months of age to promote the intellectual and visual development of the baby’s brain, but the exact timing varies from person to person.  In general, babies within 6 months of age can take DHA through the active ingredients in breast milk or formula, no additional supplementation is needed. However, as growth and development progress, the demand for DHA gradually increases after 6 months of age, and can be taken daily through DHA capsules or drops, either after meals or with meals, but generally not recommended to be taken on an empty stomach. In daily life, parents can give their children more fresh fruits, fish, eggs, lean meat, dairy products and other foods that contain high DHA content.  In addition, parents should also note that if the baby usually has a regular diet and normal growth and development, there is no need for too much supplementation to avoid excess nutrition.

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