Can vitamin D deficiency cause hives?

Vitamin D deficiency does not usually cause hives. Hives are mostly related to food and drug allergies, germ infections, physical and mental factors. 1. Food and drug allergies: If you are allergic to food or drugs, it may lead to hives. 2. Germs infection: including viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungal infections, etc., may cause hives. 3. Physical factors: If the body is subjected to pressure, friction or hot and cold stimuli, it may lead to hives. 4. Mental factors: a long-term poor mental state, including tension, anxiety, depression, etc., may be more likely to trigger urticaria. The causes of urticaria are many, vitamin D deficiency is generally not related to urticaria, urticaria patients are recommended to go to a regular hospital, follow the doctor’s instructions for treatment.

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