What are the proprietary Chinese medicines that specialize in treating swelling of the lower limbs?

The treatment of swelling of the lower limbs requires clinical diagnosis and treatment, can not be generalized, there is no so-called “special treatment of swelling of the lower limbs of the proprietary Chinese medicine,” said. For the edema caused by insufficient heart yang, oral Qidong Drabanemerosa hebecarpa strong heart capsule, etc.; for the insufficiency of kidney yang (lack of yang qi of the kidneys) caused by oral Jisheng kidney qi pills, etc.; for the spleen deficiency and wetness swollen evidence, oral nephritis swelling tablets and other drug treatment. 1. Astragalus Drabanemerosa hebecarpa Strong Heart Capsule: composed of astragalus, ginseng, danshen, zedoary and other drugs, with the benefit of qi and warming the yang, blood circulation, diuresis and edema (diuresis and elimination of edema), for the heart yang insufficiency of the lower limbs of the edema caused by the chest tightness and shortness of breath, lips purple, cold limbs cold (fear of cold, cold limbs) and other symptoms have a therapeutic effect. 2. Jisheng Kidney Qi Pill: composed of cinnamon, Chinese yam and hyssop, it has the effect of warming and tonifying kidney yang (warming and replenishing kidney yang), transforming qi and inducing diuresis, and is effective in the treatment of symptoms such as lower limb edema caused by renal yang insufficiency, lumbar and knee coldness and pain, and dysuria (unruly urination). 3. Kidney Inflammation and Swelling Relief Tablet: It is composed of Ze Xie, Cang Zhu, Poria, Chen Pi, etc. It is used for the symptoms of dampness and swelling caused by deficiency of spleen, and has therapeutic effect on the symptoms of heavy limbs (limb weakness and sinking), unfavorable urination (unruly urination), and heavy swelling of legs in the afternoon, which is sunken when pressed. The adverse drug reactions and contraindications of the above drugs are unclear. For patients with swelling of the lower limbs, it is recommended to go to a regular hospital, under the guidance of the doctor’s identification and treatment with medication, do not take medication on your own, so as not to delay the condition.

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