What to do if you see multiple bony discontinuities in the left patella with mild separation of the broken ends?

The left patella has multiple bony discontinuities with mild separation of the broken ends, and is best treated surgically with incision and internal fixation. The left patella has multiple bony discontinuities and mild separation of the broken ends, which belongs to the comminuted patella fracture, indicating that the violence of the injury is relatively large, because the fracture has separation and displacement, it is best to take surgical treatment, cut and reset, make the articular surface flat, and carry out Kirschner’s pin wire or other internal fixation, so as to achieve anatomical reset after the surgery, and to prevent the emergence of traumatic arthritis in the future. After the surgery, it needs to be fixed with a brace for 4 weeks, and after the removal of the fixation, the knee flexion and extension activities can be performed, and the angle of joint flexion and extension can be gradually increased. When the fracture line is blurred on radiographs, you can walk on the ground with weight bearing. Left patella comminuted fracture, should follow the doctor’s recommendations for treatment.

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