Can you drink goji berries to treat yang deficiency?

Treating Yang deficiency is generally not allowed to drink wolfberries. Yang deficiency is the weakness of yang qi, warming, qi and other dysfunctions, to the cold (fear of cold), cold limbs, pale mouth, or like hot drinks, or self-sweating (involuntary sweating during the day, a little movement sweating aggravated), urine clear long, or urinary edema, thin stools, white face as the main clinical manifestations. For treatment, warming Yang medicines such as Radix et Rhizoma Polygoni Multiflori, Radix et Rhizoma Ginger, Radix et Rhizoma Cinnamomum Cassia, etc. can be given to identify the symptoms. Chinese wolfberry is sweet, flat, belonging to the liver and kidney meridian, long for nourishing kidney essence, tonifying liver blood, as a flat tonic for kidney essence, liver and blood, with nourishing the liver and kidney, benefiting the efficacy of brightening the eyes, used in the treatment of lumbar and knee pain, dizziness, tinnitus, impotence and spermatorrhea, fainting and unclear vision, such as manifestations of liver and kidney yin deficiency, deficiency of essence and blood. If you feel unwell, it is recommended to go to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the regular hospital as soon as possible, so as to clarify the cause of the disease and carry out the treatment under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, and it is not suitable for self-diagnosis and treatment, so as to avoid delaying the condition.

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