Can you get orthodontic treatment in your twenties?

You can straighten your teeth at 20 years old, there is no definite age requirement for orthodontics. 1. Doing orthodontics at 20 years old depends on many factors. The first is whether time permits orthodontics, because orthodontic follow-up visits are more frequent. Secondly, whether the periodontal condition allows orthodontics, whether the skeletal condition allows orthodontics, and finally whether the economic condition allows orthodontics. If all aspects meet the requirements of orthodontics, it is possible to have orthodontics at the age of 20. 2. If orthodontic treatment is needed, the earlier the orthodontic treatment, the better the result. It is recommended to go to the regular dental hospital, according to the relevant examination and doctor’s orders for orthodontic treatment. During the orthodontic period, keep oral hygiene, brush your teeth carefully after meals, orthodontic treatment is a long process. After wearing braces, regular follow-up is needed for timely adjustment.

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