Eat “raw fish” to eat out of the liver schistosomiasis

  In recent times, there has been an increase in the number of people coming to the Infectious Diseases Clinic to see schistosomiasis, often because the unit’s blood test found positive for liver fluke antibodies, or stool test found liver fluke eggs to see the doctor, and upon closer examination, all have the experience of eating “fish raw”. Miss Zhang is one of them, I asked her: not afraid of getting liver flukes? She said embarrassed: I only ate “fish raw”, and fresh fish is mixed with sauce and vinegar, the taste is very fresh, I thought the liver fluke are killed it!  People often say that eating out of disease, liver fluke is a “raw fish” eaten out of the disease. Hepatic schistosomiasis is a disease caused by liver fluke (medically called Toxoplasma gondii) parasitizing the intrahepatic bile ducts of humans, and patients are infected by eating undercooked freshwater fish (shrimp). As the number of parasitic liver flukes in the bile ducts increases, patients develop indigestion, epigastric pain, liver enlargement, some develop cholecystitis and biliary obstruction, and a few develop cirrhosis of the liver.  Many people like to eat “raw fish”, many restaurants in the Pearl River Delta also “raw fish” delicious to attract customers, and some people even blackmailed that raw fish mixed with sauce will not be infected with liver fluke. In fact, the liver fluke parasites in freshwater fish are called cysts, which have thick walls and are more resistant to the outside world. Experiments have shown that general condiments such as soy sauce and vinegar are not easy to kill the cysts in fish, and it takes three seconds to kill the cysts when a fish fillet of about 2-3mm thickness is put into hot water at 90℃. Therefore, eating “raw fish”, eating raw fish slices mixed with sauce, or playing side dishes when raw fish slices are not cooked long enough, can not kill the liver fluke cysts, can be infected with liver fluke.  In order to prevent liver fluke we must pay attention to 1, do not eat “fish raw”, do not eat uncooked freshwater fish and shrimp.  2, housewives handle fish and shrimp, to wash hands, knives, cutting boards in a timely manner.  3, the kitchen, cooked kitchen utensils must be used separately.  4, do not use raw fish, shrimp to feed dogs, cats.  People who have eaten “raw fish” should go to the hospital for examination, if the blood test is positive for liver fluke, you should leave the stool to repeatedly look for liver fluke eggs, and find liver fluke eggs can confirm the diagnosis of liver fluke disease. Do not buy your own medicine to treat liver fluke, but go to the hospital to see an infection doctor and use the medicine under the doctor’s supervision to prevent adverse reactions in very few people.

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