Can You Eat Sativa When You’re Pregnant

Pregnant is able to eat Batan wood, moderate amount can be. Batan wood has high nutritional value, each 100 grams of batan wood contains 21.4 of protein, 114mg of plant sterols, 18.67g of carbohydrates, 659mg of potassium, 481mg of phosphorus, which can be very good to replenish the nutrients needed by the body. Consuming the right amount of Batan wood during pregnancy can replenish the nutrients needed in the body and will not cause adverse effects on the pregnant woman and the fetus. Therefore, women can consume moderate amounts of Batan wood and other nuts during pregnancy, such as melon seeds, peanuts, walnuts and so on. However, pregnant women who are allergic to nuts should not consume them. During pregnancy, pregnant women should pay attention to balanced nutrition, can eat some nuts in moderation. Usually should pay attention to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, pay attention to rest, proper exercise regular testing.

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