Does overactive bladder syndrome stay with you for the rest of your life?

As long as the overactive bladder is detected at an early stage and treated as early as possible, most of the symptoms can be improved. The main treatments are behavioral therapy, medication, and surgery; if the patient is an elderly person, older and more serious, it may not be completely cured. 1. Behavioral therapy: It mainly includes bladder training and pelvic floor muscle training, which can enhance the bladder’s ability to control urination, and also limit the intake of stimulating foods, and obese patients should actively lose weight. 2. Medication: When the symptoms caused by overactive bladder are more obvious, medication should be considered, such as tolterodine tablets, solinacin tablets, mirabellone, etc., which can inhibit the contraction of the urethral muscle and promote the diastole of the urethral muscle. 3. Surgical treatment: For particularly severe overactive bladder, when the effect of the above treatments is not satisfactory, surgical treatment can be considered, such as botulinum toxin bladder injection, sacral neuromodulation and so on. In the process of treatment, must follow the doctor’s instructions, reasonable use of drugs, do not self-medication.

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