What is the use of lotus leaves in tea

Lotus leaf has the effects of clearing heat and relieving heatstroke, elevating the clear yang (transporting nutrients from digested food to the head and face), and cooling and stopping bleeding (cooling and moisturizing the blood, preventing bleeding). However, Chinese herbal medicine works mainly through decoction, and drinking it in water may not necessarily fulfill the above functions because of the limited release of active ingredients. Lotus leaf belongs to a kind of Chinese herbal medicine, which has the effects of clearing away heat and relieving heatstroke, elevating the clear yang (conveying nutrients from digested food to the head and face), and cooling and stopping bleeding (cooling and moisturizing the blood, preventing bleeding). Clinically, lotus leaf can be used in Chinese medicine to identify those who are suffering from summer heat and thirst, or for symptoms such as diarrhea due to spleen deficiency (diarrhea caused by a weak spleen), epistaxis due to blood heat (vomiting of blood and nosebleed due to blood heat), and menorrhagia due to blood in the stool (excessive menstruation or more than a few drops of menstruation). Although lotus leaf has more efficacy, it is not recommended to directly make tea and drink it by oneself, because different symptoms and different patients need to use different medicines and dosage. Although the adverse reactions and contraindications of lotus leaves are not clear, but for those who are weak in qi and blood, lotus leaves should not be taken. The efficacy of making tea is limited. It is recommended that those who are unwell should be interviewed by a Chinese medicine practitioner to understand their condition through methods such as looking, sniffing and questioning before determining a specific treatment plan.

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