What to do if you are choking on saliva and keep coughing?

Choking on saliva and coughing all the time is a reflexive defense action that occurs when the airway is irritated, which is a normal phenomenon that can be relieved by general treatment and medication. 1. General treatment: If the degree of coughing is not particularly serious, you can drink some water, deep breathing, patting the back, can play a good effect. In the process try to avoid contact with dust, inhalation of irritating gases. 2. Medications: If the general treatment can not be relieved, you need to take cough medication (such as compound licorice tablets, compound methenamine) under the guidance of a doctor. For those with severe cough accompanied by bronchospasm, nebulized inhalation therapy, such as terbutaline aerosol, can also be used. If the above treatment still can’t relieve the cough or the cough worsens, you need to go to the hospital in time, complete the relevant examination, clarify the cause, and carry out standardized treatment under the guidance of the doctor. The above drugs should be used under the guidance of a doctor.

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