Cimetidine tablets for hives?

Cimetidine tablets can cure hives. The onset of urticaria releases histamine, which causes the body to react. Cimetidine belongs to a kind of H2 receptor blocker, which can block histamine and H2 receptor binding, and thus play a role in inhibiting the biological effects caused by histamine, so cimetidine can be used to treat urticaria. Long-term use of the drug or increase the dose can be: gynecomastia, lactation phenomenon, loss of libido, diarrhea, dizziness, muscle cramps, rash, hair loss. Occasionally, mental disorders, sore throat, unexplained bleeding or ecchymosis, and unusual tiredness and weakness. When using cimetidine tablets, note that patients with severe heart and respiratory disorders, systemic lupus erythematosus, organic encephalopathy, hepatic and renal insufficiency should be cautious. Allergic to the components of the drug, pregnant and lactating women are prohibited, young children should be used with caution, and the dosage of elderly patients should be reduced. In addition, avoid the concomitant use of this product with central anticholinergics to prevent aggravation of central neurotoxic reactions. It is necessary to use the drug under the guidance of a doctor, avoid self-medication, to prevent delays in the condition.

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