Chinese medicine treatment of cardia incontinentia

Cardia achalasia is a disease caused by esophageal neuromuscular dysfunction and is characterized by lack of peristalsis, high pressure in the lower esophageal sphincter and a reduced relaxation response to swallowing movements. The clinical manifestations are dysphagia, food reflux and lower retrosternal discomfort or pain. barium x-ray is most important for diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Endoscopy and cytological examination are not very helpful for the diagnosis of this disease, but can be used for the differential diagnosis between this disease and esophageal cardia cancer and other diseases. Western medical treatment advocates: 1. Internal therapy, it is advisable to eat less and chew more, avoid too cold, too hot and stimulating diet. Psychological treatment can be given to those with mental nervousness. Calcium channel blockers also have a certain role. 2.Esophageal dilation therapy. 3.Surgical therapy. We believe that the disease occurs for two main reasons: mental-emotional disorders and esophageal muscle dysfunction. Mental-emotional disorders due to various reasons are common in today’s society, and as a result, there are many digestive tract disorders. Chinese medicine has a good effect in this area. Chinese medicine treatment is divided into several principles: 1. 2, lowering Qi and eliminating stagnation, relieving urgency and pain. Basic prescription: Yu Jin 10 grams, Neem 10, Bai Shao 15, Licorice 10, Su Zi 10, Hou Pu 10, Hop Huan Pi 10, Yuan Zhi 10, Sour Jujube 10, Yuan Hu 10, Bamboo Roo 10, Su Ye 15, Magnet 30 first decoction. You can add and subtract with the evidence. The Chinese medicine can be used in the form of Prosperity Pill, with the addition of qi-regulating products such as Hovenia Kuanzhong Capsules, etc.

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