What to do if you have a toothache after filling the resin

If the toothache is mild after filling the resin, it usually does not need special treatment; if the toothache is more serious, it is necessary to seek medical treatment in time. 1. After using resin material to repair the tooth, it may cause pain to the patient due to the stimulation of the pulp caused by the repair process. If the pain is relatively mild, you can first observe, usually after 1~2 days the pain can be relieved by itself and no special treatment is needed. 2. If the pain is more serious, we can’t rule out the occurrence of pulpitis, apical periodontitis and other lesions, you need to go to the hospital for examination and treatment after clarifying the cause. Both pulpitis and apical periodontitis need root canal treatment to be completely cured, and crown restoration can be considered after root canal treatment. It is recommended that when the pain persists or is more severe, patients should seek early medical examination and standardized treatment under the guidance of the doctor.

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