Is postpartum depression after one child appropriate for a second child?

One child postpartum depression if now has been relieved is able to give birth to a second child, but during the birth of a second child may also cause postpartum depression recurrence, the mother and her family should be well prepared for the psychological.

The ups and downs of endocrine hormones in the maternal body, there may be family psychiatric hereditary diseases, as well as postnatal psychosocial pressures, such as maternal mental stress, mental stress, lack of adequate rest, etc. will lead to the occurrence of postpartum depression. The prominent symptom of maternal depression is persistent low mood, which is manifested by gloomy expression, listlessness, sleepiness, easy tears and crying.

If postpartum depression has been relieved in the first pregnancy, maternal mood should be closely monitored regularly during the second pregnancy, avoiding all adverse stimuli and providing more care and guidance. If the depression has not been relieved, it is recommended to hold off on having a second child.

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