Do you have to wash after using the glycerite lotion?

Glycolite lotion does not need to be washed after use, and after application it is gradually absorbed into the skin and does not usually cause skin irritation. Glycolite lotion is a light pink colored suspension that can settle after being left on the table, but after shaking, it can still become a uniform suspension. It is more commonly used for acute pruritic skin conditions such as eczema and prickly heat, and can also be used to relieve itchy skin caused by chickenpox. In the use of the drug is mainly topical, when the drug can be shaken evenly, and then use a cotton swab dipped in the appropriate amount of the drug applied to the affected area. Because glycerine lotion has the effect of anti-itching and astringent, after applying, it will not cause skin irritation, and the skin absorbs less, usually do not need to wash after applying. The adverse effects and contraindications of the drug are not known. Avoid contact with the eyes and other parts of the body, such as the mouth and nose, when using the medication. If there is burning, redness or swelling at the site of application, it is necessary to stop using the medication and wash the area clean. Glycolite lotion should be used under the supervision of a doctor.

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