Early symptoms of snakebite

The term “snakebite” generally refers to herpes zoster, with early symptoms such as malaise, low-grade fever, lack of appetite and other systemic symptoms and a burning sensation or pain in the skin, followed by a typical rash. Herpes zoster is caused by varicella zoster virus, when the body resistance is reduced, the latent virus is activated to cause the disease. Herpes zoster early before the rash is often fever, fatigue, loss of appetite and other systemic symptoms, the affected area of the skin may have a burning sensation, pain and other abnormal sensations. Later, a typical rash may appear, often located in the intercostal nerve, cerebral nerve, lumbosacral nerve and other innervated areas, appearing in clusters of papules, blisters, along the nerves arranged in a band, mostly occurring on one side of the body does not exceed the midline. It is accompanied by neuralgia, mostly paroxysmal dull, throbbing or throbbing pain. When the symptoms of shingles appear, you should seek medical advice and follow the doctor’s instructions.

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