Earliest time to find out when you are pregnant

The earliest time to check for pregnancy is at least 1 week after intercourse or before the menstrual period is due, when a blood HCG test can be performed, or at least 2 weeks after intercourse or at least 1 week after the menstrual period is delayed, when a urine pregnancy test can be performed. Both blood HCG and urine pregnancy test are used to determine pregnancy by detecting changes in human chorionic gonadotropin, while human chorionic gonadotropin in blood changes relatively quickly and can be detected quantitatively with relatively high accuracy. On the other hand, the accumulation rate of human chorionic gonadotropin in urine is relatively slow, and the earliest time to detect pregnancy is 1 week after fertilization of the egg, and the urine pregnancy test is less accurate than the blood HCG, with the possibility of false negatives and false positives.

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