Can pregnancy compress the kidneys?

The kidney is located in the posterior abdominal wall, on both sides of the spine, behind the peritoneum, and is an extraperitoneal organ with three layers of membranes including renal fascia, renal fat capsule and renal fibrous capsule to fix and protect the kidney. After pregnancy, as pregnancy increases, the fetus develops and the uterus gradually increases in size, it will cause compression on some abdominal organs, such as the intestines, liver, diaphragm, inferior vena cava, etc. Due to the characteristics of the kidney’s own anatomy, it is generally not compressed. However, the bladder located in front of the uterus in the pelvis may be invaded or compressed, and even in some patients with placental implantation the placental tissue may penetrate the anterior wall of the uterus and invade the bladder, so the medical staff should pay high attention to this during delivery and surgery.

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