What’s with the sideways back pain?

Most cases of side waist pain are due to lumbar dorsal tendonitis, lumbar disc herniation, urological lesions and other reasons, symptoms should be examined in time, and follow the doctor’s instructions for appropriate treatment.
1. Lumbar back musculoskeletal inflammation: long-term bending, incorrect posture of the movement and sedentary, so that the side of the waist area of excessive strain, resulting in lumbar back muscle tension and spasm, which will show the phenomenon of pain.
2. Lumbar disc herniation: in most cases, it is due to the external factors that make the intervertebral disc fibrous ring rupture, resulting in the compression of one side of the nerve root, so it will make one side of the lumbar pain phenomenon.
3. Urological lesions: when there are urinary lesions, such as urinary stones, is due to dietary habits, metabolic factors, genetic factors and other reasons cause the urinary system stone phenomenon, will cause lumbar side pain, as well as accompanied by nausea and vomiting and other phenomena.
Lateral back pain can also be seen in other causes, it is recommended to go to the hospital in a timely manner, to clarify the cause of the disease, and then follow the doctor’s instructions for treatment.

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