What is itchy hands after washing hands with soap?

Usually, itchy hands after washing hands with soap is mainly an allergic reaction. Allergy is an immune reaction that occurs when the body is exposed to certain substances. Patients who develop allergies may show symptoms such as skin pimples, red eyes, runny eyes, sneezing, and itchy skin. With prompt and effective treatment, the disease generally has a good prognosis. Patients should reduce the frequency of contact with soap and eat more food high in vitamin C to help recovery. In daily life, patients should pay attention to the use of medication as prescribed by the doctor, such as oral loratadine tablets, cetirizine tablets, etc., or topical topical mometasone cream, etc., which is conducive to the control of the disease. In addition, in most cases, the itchy hands can be relieved by themselves after washing hands with soap, but if the symptoms are serious, it is recommended to go to the hospital in a timely manner and follow the doctor’s instructions for treatment, so as to avoid delaying the condition.

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