What should I do if I have a cataract?

The topic explored in this article is inspired by a group of cataract patients who were recently admitted. They were early recipients of myopic laser surgery, and after decades, the results of myopic laser have been excellent, but now they have cataracts and need surgical treatment. Before coming to our hospital for cataract surgery, they surprisingly all thought that they had had myopic laser and were no longer suitable for cataract surgery and could no longer restore clarity to their world. It is for this reason that I felt the urgent need to clarify some issues to prevent people from missing and losing the best treatment opportunity.

1. I am not very old, why do I have cataracts and is it related to myopic laser?

Cataract is an eye disease that no one can escape from, be it mild or severe, early or late, including ophthalmologists, it is the law of nature. Myopic laser surgery itself does not cause cataracts to develop. Generally speaking, patients with myopia, especially high myopia, develop cataracts at a significantly earlier age, which is related to their own myopia.

2. Is there any medicine to cure cataract and can it be done without surgery?

At present, there is no effective drug treatment for cataract, and surgery is the only treatment. Although there are certain risks in any surgery, with the continuous innovation of technology, cataract surgery has gradually developed into minimally invasive and is now one of the routine surgeries in ophthalmology.

3. Can I have cataract surgery after myopic laser?

Of course you can!

4.What are the precautions for cataract surgery for this type of patients?

These patients need to pay special attention to the measurement and calculation of the IOL (there may be a large deviation); intraoperative corneal protection; and for patients with high myopia, special care is needed for the deep anterior chamber, lax lens ligaments, obvious vitreous liquefaction, and thin retinal and ocular walls.

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