There’s a hard, palpable lump in my lower right abdomen. What’s wrong?

A hard lump that can be felt in the lower right abdomen could be a lymph node in the groin, a peri-appendiceal abscess, etc. In the case of women, it could be an adnexitis cyst. If there is a large number of lymph nodes in the groin area, some people can feel them and they will feel like hard lumps. A hard lump in the right lower abdomen may also be caused by a peripheral abscess of appendicitis, which will be accompanied by a feeling of pressure and pain, and some patients with appendicitis will have symptoms of fever. If a female patient has a hard lump in the right lower abdomen, it may be the formation of cysts in adnexitis, which will show a localized mass that increases in size over time, and at the same time will compress the surrounding organs. There are various reasons for touching hard lumps in the right lower abdomen, and patients should go to the hospital in time to find out the specific cause of the disease. If accompanied by fever, pressure and pain sensation, swelling and other symptoms, must be timely treatment.

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