How long do you live with a lung transplant?

Since there are fewer cases of lung transplantation carried out in China, the survival time of lung transplantation patients is linked to the specific situation of the patient, and there are large individual differences. Survival is mainly based on the underlying disease of the patient’s lungs, if the patient’s underlying disease of the lungs for pulmonary fibrosis, coupled with the patient’s physical condition is better, younger age, after lung transplantation, lung function can be significantly improved, did not appear rejection reaction, the survival time will be relatively long. In addition, if the patient’s physical condition is better, after surgery, there are conditions to take long-term anti-rejection drugs, drugs to enhance immune function, the probability of postoperative complications will be relatively reduced, and the probability of success of the operation is higher. However, the specific survival time of the patient is based on the patient’s own physical quality and underlying diseases, postoperative nutrition and other aspects of a comprehensive assessment.

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