Soak feet put pepper can drive away the cold

Pepper is warm in nature, soaking feet with pepper regularly can drive away the cold. Pepper is commonly used as a condiment in cooking, and belongs to the category of drugs to dispel cold. The “Compendium of Materia Medica” records that pepper can “disperse cold and remove dampness, relieve depression, eliminate food, pass through the three jiao, warm the spleen and stomach, nourish the right kidney vital gate, kill roundworms, stop diarrhea”. It has the effect of warming the middle and relieving pain, killing worms and relieving itching, and is often used for cold pain in the abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea, abdominal pain from worms, eczema, etc. So boil water with pepper feet, with the help of the heat of water to enhance the power of pepper to dispel cold and pain, to better relieve rheumatism paralysis or women’s uterine cold dysmenorrhea. Specific usage: 1, take 20-30g pepper to add 2L water, boil and change to low heat decoction for 15 minutes; 2, the boiling pepper water poured out, wait for the water temperature to drop to about 40 ℃ can begin to soak feet; 3, soak feet not too long, 20-25 minutes can be, to the body slightly sweating is appropriate.

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