What are the preparations and precautions before a colonoscopy gastroscopy?

Gastroscopy and colonoscopy preparations and precautions include perfecting preoperative tests, dietary restrictions, adjusting medications, and performing bowel preparations.
Before performing gastroscopy or colonoscopy, it is usually necessary to improve the blood routine, blood biochemistry, coagulation function, blood-borne pathogen-related tests, electrocardiogram, chest X-ray/chest CT, etc. as required by the doctor in order to rule out potential risks.
1. For gastroscopy:
(1) Bowel preparation: Bowel preparation is generally not required before the examination, and no dietary control is necessary, but it is recommended to fast and abstain from food and water for 6 hours before gastroscopy, so as to avoid the accumulation of celiac in the gastric rotundity, which may lead to the obstruction of observation.
(2) Adjustment of medication: If possible, stop taking anticoagulant drugs before surgery, whether or not to stop, stop how long to be decided according to the patient’s condition, the specific medication recommendations need to follow the doctor’s instructions.
2. For enteroscopy: there are certain dietary restrictions and intestinal preparation programs before the examination.
(1) Dietary restrictions: generally start 24 hours before the examination. A low residue/low fiber/light liquid diet is given 24 hours prior to the examination.
(2) Adjustment of medication: If possible, anticoagulant medication should be discontinued prior to the procedure. Whether or not and for how long should be decided based on the patient’s condition, and the specific medication recommendations should be in accordance with the doctor’s instructions.
(2) Bowel preparation: Start 4-6 hours before the examination. For painless colonoscopy, it is recommended to start bowel preparation from 8:00 p.m. the night before, and use polyethylene glycol electrolyte bulk or magnesium sulfate under the instruction of the doctor in order to help empty the bowel.
If in doubt, please consult a medical professional.

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