How can raised scars be flattened

Raised scars, clinically known as hyperplastic scars, are now generally treated with medication, laser therapy, and surgical excision to improve their appearance.
1. Medication: Medication is only effective during the proliferative period of scarring (usually within 3~6 months of scar formation). Patients can use silicone gel, compound heparin sodium allantoin gel, polysulfonic acid mucopolysaccharide cream and other medications according to medical advice. For the proliferation of obvious scar can also be injected into the tissue of tretinoin and other glucocorticoids to soften the scar.
2. Laser treatment: Laser treatment can eliminate the raised scar instantly with high temperature by using high heat laser, and the commonly used ones are carbon dioxide fractional laser and erbium laser, etc. In the proliferation stage, the scar can also be softened by injecting glucocorticoid such as trimethoprim into the tissue. There are commonly used carbon dioxide fractional laser, erbium laser and so on. Dye laser treatment can also be carried out regularly during the period of scar proliferation, which can inhibit its proliferation at an early stage. However, it is necessary to go to regular hospitals and use laser treatment according to the doctor’s prescription.
3. Surgical excision: for the above treatment is ineffective, and affect the appearance or function of the scar, can be surgically excised, after the operation, pay attention to follow the doctor’s prescription standardized anti-scar treatment, to avoid the formation of scar again.
Raised scars should go to regular hospitals for consultation, and be evaluated by specialists to give appropriate treatment plans, and medication should be prescribed by doctors.

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