Non-pharmacological treatment of prostatitis

  Drug therapy for chronic prostatitis is the most basic and commonly used method. The most important thing is to make sure that you have a good understanding of the situation. Therefore, even the most appropriate and suitable drug treatment should be combined with local treatment and the regulation of living system, diet and mental and psychological aspects.   The transrectal or perineal route of microwave, radiofrequency, laser, etc., has some effect of relieving symptoms early on. Chronic prostatitis often manifests as cramping pain, soreness pain, or hidden or sharp pain in the perineum or prostate area (anus, lower abdomen, lumbosacral area, inner thighs, scrotum, testicles and glans), resulting in severe anxiety and aggravation of symptoms when sitting or standing for a long time and overworking. These symptoms mainly originate from habitual contraction, spasm and incoordination of the pelvic muscles and stimulation of the nerves innervating the prostate gland causing reflex pain, or tension in the external urethral sphincter, with frequent, urgent and incomplete urination. Biofeedback and heat therapy can make the pelvic floor muscles fatiguingly relax and tend to be coordinated, while relaxing the external urethral sphincter, relieving perineal discomfort, pain and urinary symptoms such as frequent, urgent and incontinent urination. No side effects, non-invasive, can be selectively applied to those who have obvious painful symptoms of chronic prostatitis or whose urinary frequency, urgency and incomplete urination are not relieved by medication.

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