Effective ways to prevent hair loss

The causes of hair loss mainly include baldness, seborrheic alopecia, and postpartum female hair loss, etc., which can be effectively prevented through mental, dietary, and medication management. 1. Patchy baldness is also known as ghost shaving, the cause of its onset may be related to mental factors, immune abnormalities and genetic factors, in the treatment of first of all, we should maintain a good state of mind, avoid excessive tension, and secondly, we can give glucocorticoid drugs (betamethasone) and vasodilating drugs (minoxidil tincture) treatment. 2. Seborrheic alopecia is also known as androgenetic alopecia, the cause of its development is mainly related to the abnormal level of androgen secretion, in the treatment of Minoxidil tincture can be given externally, oral finasteride tablets (for men), spironolactone tablets (for women) treatment and so on. 3. Women’s postpartum hair loss is related to the level of estrogen secretion after giving birth, and generally there is no need to carry out too much treatment, mainly pay attention to strengthening nutrition, such as taking more milk, eggs and vegetables and so on. Due to the different causes of the disease, the treatment is different, the specific situation needs to be consulted by a doctor.

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