How to treat stools that are not dry or hard but just won’t poop?

Stool is not dry and hard, but just can’t be pulled, may be due to gastrointestinal tract dysfunction, colorectal diseases, can be adjusted diet, mosapride, lactulose and other drugs, surgery and other ways of treatment. 1. Gastrointestinal tract dysfunction: due to infection, improper diet, mental stress and other factors, causing gastrointestinal tract dysfunction, indigestion, constipation and other symptoms, need to adjust the daily diet, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and follow the doctor’s instructions to promote gastrointestinal tract dynamics of the oral drugs, such as mosapride, domperidone, etc., or laxative, such as polyethylene glycol, lactulose and so on. 2. Colorectal diseases: such as colon cancer, rectal cysts and other diseases, which will change the nature of stools and make defecation difficult, should be based on the patient’s own condition, and choose the appropriate surgical treatment for the patient. It is suggested that if the patient’s constipation has not been relieved, he should go to the hospital in time to avoid delaying his condition.

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