Remedies for cirrhosis of the liver

Liver cirrhosis belongs to the category of bulging and distension in Chinese medicine, according to the identification of Chinese medicine, one can take Chai Hu Shuo Liver Essence combined with Gastro-ling Soup, Solid Spleen Drink, and Zhong Man Dividing and Eliminating Pill combined with Yin Chen Artemisia Soup, and so on. 1. Qi and dampness obstruction: accompanied by abdominal distension and fullness, soft but not firm when pressed, distension and pain under the dowager’s seat, reduced diet, etc., can take Chai Hu Shun Liver Essence combined with Gastro-ling Soup plus subtractions. 2. Cold water trapping the spleen: abdominal distension and fullness, like water wrapped in a bag when pressed, or even slightly floating face, swelling of the lower limbs, cold and laziness, mental drowsiness, loose food and stools (thin and unshaped feces), short urine, white or greasy tongue coating, slow or slow pulse. One can take the “Solid Spleen Drink” with additional subtractions. 3. Damp-heat condensation (damp and heat evils are condensing with each other in the body): abdominal fullness, irritable heat (irritable and hot), bitterness in the mouth, thirst, short and reddish urine (small amount of urine, dark yellow in color), red tongue, yellowish greasy moss, and slippery stringy pulse. It can be treated with Zhongman Fenxie Pill and Yin Chen Artemisia Tang plus subtractions. 4. Blood stasis in the liver and spleen: abdominal distension and fullness, furious veins, tingling in the abdomen and scoliosis, or dark stools, purplish tongue, or petechiae, and thin and astringent pulse. It can be treated with the addition or subtraction of Tonifying Drink. 5. Spleen and kidney yang deficiency: abdominal distension and fullness, like a frog’s abdomen, fatigue (lack of spirit), timidity and coldness, pale and fat tongue, white and slippery moss, and dull and weak pulse. You can take the combination of Radix et Rhizoma Polygoni Multiflori Tang and Wu Ling San with additional subtractions. 6. Yin deficiency of the liver and kidney: abdominal distension and fullness, or even the exposure of veins, dull complexion, dry mouth, red tongue with reddish-red color and little fluids, little or no moss, and fine stringy pulse. You can take Consistent Decoction combined with Diaphragm Downward Expulsion of Blood Stasis Soup plus subtractions. It is recommended to go to the regular Chinese medicine hospital, after the professional Chinese medicine doctor diagnosis and give targeted treatment program.

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