Efficacy of sweet orange and ice plum tablets

Citrus Bingmei Tablets is a class A non-prescription drug. Class A non-prescription drugs can only be used in a social pharmacy with a licensed pharmacist and under the guidance of a licensed pharmacist. Its main effect is to clear heat and open the voice, for loss of voice and hoarseness caused by wind-heat offending the lungs. This type of medicine should be treated under the guidance of a licensed physician or pharmacist according to your condition. In the process of medication need to pay attention to: first, the use of drugs for a period of time, a short period of time to see if the symptoms have been relieved, if not relieved or the symptoms increase the importance of timely access to regular medical institutions to receive professional, standardized treatment. Second, when using non-prescription drugs such as Class A, you should also pay attention to read the drug instructions to understand the use of some drugs, precautions and other information, if the information is not complete, but also consult a licensed pharmacist or physician.

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