The efficacy and effects of Prozac

Prozac is an ancient formula in Chinese medicine, the main effect is to dredge the liver and smooth the qi, regulate menstruation and nourish the blood, and invigorate the blood. The clinical application is mainly in the following three areas: 1, before and after menopause: at this time there is emotional discomfort, depression, irritability, etc., the effect of Zhuangyao Wan is better; 2, premenstrual tension syndrome: usually occurs in young women, by dredging the liver, invigorating blood, smooth qi, will improve the symptoms of premenstrual tension syndrome; 3, breast enlargement: because breast enlargement patients premenstrual breast swelling and pain, touching hard lumps, from the perspective of Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment The most important thing is that you can use the pills to help you get the best results. The most common use for women suffering from gynecological diseases is Plus Flavor Easy Pill, which has the ingredients to increase blood circulation and nourish the blood, which is more effective in regulating menstruation. The contraindication of Easy Pill is the prohibition of cold, cold and spicy food when using the medicine.

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