How to treat migraine headaches after a cold

If migraine is caused by cold, it should be treated with anti-cold medicine, such as cold flush, cold capsule, aminoglutethimide, and also Chinese medicine, such as cold fever granules, pancreatic granules and so on. At the same time, the patient is advised to drink more water and pay attention to rest, and if necessary, pain medication can be given to those with poor results. Cold is a common respiratory disease, also known clinically as upper respiratory tract infection, often caused by viral infections. Patients mainly present with headache, fever, sore throat and cough. Examination of chest X-ray is usually not abnormal. On routine blood tests, patients may have elevated lymphocytes, but normal white blood cells. If the patient has a combined cough, he should be given cough suppressant medication. Commonly used medications include licorice oral solution and tranylcypromine oral solution.

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