What’s wrong with the peeling and itching of the hands?

The condition of peeling skin on the hands and itching is considered to be due to dry skin on the hands, sweat herpes, ringworm and other factors.
1. Dry hand skin: patients may be dry and dehydrated, coupled with long-term ultraviolet radiation, so it is easy to cause peeling and itching symptoms on the hands.
2. Sweat blisters: the etiology is not yet clear, patients may be due to contact with allergens, dermatophyte infections, ultraviolet radiation and other reasons, resulting in itchy blisters on the hands, accompanied by peeling as well as a tingling sensation, burning sensation and so on.
3. Ringworm: If the patient has a disease caused by dermatophyte infection, such as tinea cruris, there will be hyperkeratotic lesions on the palms of the hands and fingers, so there will be peeling, dryness, blisters and other symptoms, accompanied by itchy manifestations.
After the phenomenon of peeling and itching on the hands, the patient needs to cooperate with the doctor as soon as possible to clarify the cause, and then do targeted treatment.

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