How to stop an itchy nose

Itchy nose is caused by environmental factors, atrophic rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, etc. Saline nasal wash, oral medication, nasal spray can be used to stop itching. 1. Environmental factors: the air contains a lot of dust, chemical industrial pollution, will trigger the nasal mucosa dry, itching, should try to stay away from air pollution, you can use physiological saline nasal wash, remove the irritating substances in the nasal cavity, and can keep the nasal cavity wet. 2. Atrophic rhinitis: you can take vitamin A, B, C, E, etc., appropriate supplementation of iron, zinc and other trace elements, saline nasal rinse can be used every day to clean the nasal cavity, moist nasal mucosa to reduce nasal itching. 3. Allergic rhinitis: acute attack can use hormone nasal spray nasal spray, such as budesonide nasal spray, can reduce the inflammatory response, in addition to the joint use of loratadine and other anti-allergy drugs, control allergies, relieve the symptoms of nasal itching. After the allergens are clearly identified, desensitization can be carried out as prescribed by the doctor to treat the cause of the allergy. It is recommended that patients consult a doctor in time to check the cause of the disease and condition, cooperate with the doctor to standardize the treatment, the above drugs should be used in accordance with the doctor’s instructions.

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