Can plantar fasciitis be cured?

Plantar fasciitis can be cured after scientific and rational treatment. Patients can take medication, surgery, physical therapy and other treatments according to their condition. 1. Medication (1) Local medication: patients can apply procaine with prednisolone acetate for closed treatment under the guidance of doctors. (2) Systemic medication: For symptoms such as muscle pain and tension, celecoxib and epirubicin hydrochloride can be applied under the guidance of doctors. (2) Surgical treatment: For patients who have not been cured for a long time, they can also be treated with small needle knife or radiofrequency treatment under ultrasound guidance. 3. Physiotherapy: such as infrared radiation, microwave therapy, etc., can also wear functional orthopedic insoles, can play a role in supporting the treatment. 4. Other treatments: such as extracorporeal shock wave therapy and platelet plasma injection therapy can also relieve the condition to a certain extent. It is recommended that patients with plantar fasciitis consult a doctor for timely examination to confirm the diagnosis of the condition and standardize the treatment under the guidance of the doctor.

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