What are adenomatous polyps of the colon?

Colonic adenomatous polyps may be caused by the patient’s long-term constipation and enteritis. 1. Constipation: Constipation may be caused by patients who drink less water for a long time, often eat high-calorie food, and do not go to the toilet regularly, which usually results in symptoms such as dry stools and difficulty in defecation. This leads to the development of colon adenomatous polyps. Patients with constipation should develop good living habits and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. 2. enteritis: colonic adenomatous polyps may also be caused by patients with enteritis, patients with repeated episodes of enteritis, which will lead to intestinal mucosal hyperplasia, usually abdominal pain, abdominal distension and other symptoms, the above symptoms patients should go to the hospital as soon as possible to check, and under the guidance of the doctor to use norfloxacin capsules, amoxicillin and other drugs for treatment. Patients should try to avoid spicy and stimulating food, drink more water, appropriate outdoor exercise. The discovery of colonic adenomatous polyps should be timely medical treatment, standardized treatment under the guidance of a professional doctor, so as not to delay the condition.

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