Clinical manifestations of lacunar cerebral infarction

Not all lacunar cerebral infarction will have clinical manifestations, only those lacunar cerebral infarction that involves important neural pathways or neural structures will have symptoms such as dizziness and headache, numbness of limbs, vertigo and memory loss. Although lacunar cerebral infarction is a kind of cerebral infarction, but due to the occurrence of occlusion of the blood vessels are penetrating arteries and other small blood vessels, affecting the blood supply area is smaller, the lesion is smaller, so the general harm is smaller, but also can not be ignored. Speech is generally manifested as tongue stiffness, slow speech, stuttering, etc.; face is mainly manifested as oblique tongue extension, nasolabial sulcus becomes shallow, whistling can not, water leakage when drinking water and brushing teeth, but the forehead line is normal, etc.; limbs are mainly manifested as mild paralysis of one side of the limbs or mild sensory impairment. Once the patient has the above symptoms, it is recommended to go to the regular hospital in time to avoid delaying the condition.

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