What’s wrong with a little brownish color half a month after the abortion?

Half a month after the abortion, there is still a bit of brown discharge may be the uterine cavity is still pregnancy residue is not discharged, uterine contraction or too tired to cause infection and other reasons.

1. the uterine cavity and pregnancy residue is not discharged: may be due to the uterus embryonic tissue is not scraped clean or not clean, in the body for a longer period of time and oxidation into brown, from the vaginal outflow to form brown secretion.

2. Poor uterine contraction: it may be because the uterine contraction after abortion is weak, can not be well compressed blood vessels to stop bleeding and discharge the pregnancy residue in the uterine cavity.

3. Excessive exertion caused by infection: it may also be due to insufficient rest after abortion, excessive activity caused by a small amount of vaginal bleeding.

Half a month after the abortion, there is still a little brown discharge in addition to the above may also be other reasons, it is recommended to pay attention to hygiene, regular life, adequate rest after abortion, if half a month after the operation, there is still brown discharge or other discomforts, it is recommended that timely to the hospital, receive targeted examination to clarify the cause of the disease and then comply with the doctor’s instructions to carry out the correct treatment.

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